Ten Things to Look for in a Biblical Church

Tedgraham   -  

Choosing a church is a deeply personal decision that can significantly impact your spiritual growth and community life. For those seeking a church that aligns closely with biblical teachings, here are ten essential aspects to consider:

1. Faithful Preaching of Scripture

A biblical church places a high value on the faithful preaching and teaching of Scripture. This means the sermons are rooted in the Bible, interpreting its texts accurately and applying its principles to everyday life. Look for a church where the Bible is seen as the ultimate authority and the preaching challenges and encourages you to grow in your faith.

2. Sound Doctrine

Closely related to faithful preaching is adherence to sound doctrine. A biblical church maintains a clear and unwavering commitment to core Christian beliefs such as the Trinity, the deity and humanity of Jesus Christ, the atonement through Christ’s sacrifice, and the authority of the Bible. These doctrines should be clearly articulated in the church’s statement of faith and reflected in its teaching.

3. Christ-Centered Worship

Worship in a biblical church should be centered on Jesus Christ. This means that worship services focus on glorifying God and exalting Christ through music, prayer, or other forms of worship. The songs sung, the prayers offered, and the sacraments observed should all point to Christ’s redemptive work and His central role in the life of the believer.

4. Prayerful Community

Prayer is a vital component of a biblical church. Look for a congregation that values prayer not just as a ritual but as a powerful means of communication with God. This should be evident in corporate prayer meetings, intercessory prayer for others, and an overall culture of dependence on God through prayer.

5. Commitment to Discipleship

A biblical church is committed to making disciples as Jesus commanded in the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19–20). This involves more than just attending Sunday services; it means actively participating in small groups, Bible studies, and other forms of spiritual growth. Look for opportunities for mentorship, accountability, and spiritual development.

6. Authentic Community and Fellowship

True Christian fellowship is marked by love, support, and mutual encouragement. A biblical church fosters authentic relationships among its members, where people are known, cared for, and can grow together in faith. This often includes social activities, service opportunities, and a sense of belonging.

7. Evangelistic Outreach

A biblical church takes seriously the call to spread the Gospel. Look for a church that engages in evangelistic efforts both locally and globally, showing a passion for reaching the lost with the message of Jesus Christ. This might include mission trips, community service projects, and personal evangelism training.

8. Service and Compassion

A biblical church demonstrates Christ-like compassion through acts of service. This includes ministering to the needs of the poor, the marginalized, and those in crisis. Look for a church that actively participates in charitable activities and encourages its members to serve others in practical ways.

9. Healthy Church Leadership

Effective and biblical leadership is crucial for the health of a church. Look for a church with leaders who are not only biblically qualified (as outlined in 1 Timothy 3 and Titus 1) but also exhibit humility, integrity, and a servant-hearted approach to ministry. The leadership team should be transparent, approachable, and committed to shepherding the flock faithfully.

10. Commitment to Holiness and Accountability

A biblical church emphasizes the importance of holiness and personal accountability. This involves encouraging members to live lives that reflect Christ’s character, addressing sin lovingly but firmly, and providing a framework for church discipline when necessary. Look for a church that promotes spiritual growth and moral integrity among its members.


In summary, a biblical church remains faithful to the teachings of Scripture, prioritizes Christ in worship and practice, fosters genuine community, and engages in compassionate service and evangelism. By considering these ten aspects, you can find a church that meets your spiritual needs and helps you grow in your relationship with God and with others.